With - Stan Becker, PhD
Zoom, Virtual
Time - 7:00 pm
End Time - 8:15 pm


The world population has grown from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 8 billion in 2022. We currently add about 70 to 75 million people to the planet each year. We live in a demographically divided world; some countries have very rapid population growth while about 38 countries have more deaths than births each year. What are current patterns and trends and what are projections for 2050 and beyond? This informative presentation will cover these topics.

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Stan Becker, PhD has been a professor of population studies at Johns Hopkins University since 1987 and before that worked as a demographer residing in Bangladesh, France, Belgium and then was at the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta. Since about 1996, Dr. Becker’s research focus has been on couples and reproductive health though he continues to teach an undergraduate course “Population, Health and Development” which covers general topics in population.

The Rabbi Mark G. Loeb Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El Congregation and The Academy at Johns Hopkins announce a Community Collaboration for Sharing Knowledge and Learning. The Academy consists of retired faculty from the Schools of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, who will share their expertise and experience through programs to be offered through the Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El.


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