With - Mark Teaford, PhD
Zoom, Virtual
Time - 7:00 pm
End Time - 8:15 pm


Much of the information in health and medicine comes from facts that can channel our ideas. These facts can even disrupt our peace of mind. Various forms of short poetry (e.g. Japanese forms known as Haiku, Senryu, Tanka and Haiga) try to open the door to readers’ interpretations by evoking more than what is said. This presentation will look at a series of poems and photos that may make you stop and think about things in ways you haven’t before; they may help you relax and even spark some new insights.

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Dr. Mark Teaford was one of the original members of the Functional Anatomy & Evolution Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He teaches anatomy at Touro University in California. His research focuses on the teeth and diets of modern and fossil primates.

The Rabbi Mark G. Loeb Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El Congregation and The Academy at Johns Hopkins announce a Community Collaboration for Sharing Knowledge and Learning. The Academy consists of retired faculty from the Schools of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, who will share their expertise and experience through programs to be offered through the Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El.


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