With - Kerry Stewart, Ed.D.
Zoom, Virtual
Time - 7:00 pm
End Time - 8:15 pm


People who are trying to lose weight are often confronted with the question about how much and what types of exercises work best. Losing weight means burning more calories than you consume so it seems logical to undertake exercise because it increases the calories that are used by the body. This presentation will look at the evidence of exercise for weight loss to answer the questions of does it work, how hard and for how long to exercise, what types of exercise to carry out and how to preserve muscle while losing fat.

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Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D. is Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Cardiology and a member of The Academy at Johns Hopkins. He is an exercise physiologist with clinical and research experience in exercise testing and training of persons for the prevention and rehabilitation for chronic diseases including obesity, hypertension, coronary disease, diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, arthritis and cancer, among others.

The Rabbi Mark G. Loeb Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El Congregation and The Academy at Johns Hopkins announce a Community Collaboration for Sharing Knowledge and Learning. The Academy consists of retired faculty from the Schools of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, who will share their expertise and experience through programs to be offered through the Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El.

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