
Judaics/Hebrew: Dive into the depth and beauty of Jewish tradition and the Hebrew language. Enhance your understanding of Judaic studies and Hebrew, exploring the rich history, diverse interpretations, and profound wisdom that Judaism offer.

Recurring Event
In this class, we’ll delve into the heart of Shabbat spirituality, focusing on some of the most beloved prayers.
Series Event
Join us as we continue our study of subversive texts. This class can be taken independently from Part 1.
Recurring Event
Using interactive, communicative teaching methods, this class will have you understanding and responding in Yiddish from day one.
One Time Event
This illustrated talk will offer an overview of the history of Yiddish, answering such questions as:
Series Event
This two-part series offers a unique opportunity to delve into a selection of biblical and rabbinic texts that are often overlooked or misinterpreted precisely because they question, challenge or subv
Recurring Event
Learn to read Hebrew with Vered Mei Tal.
Recurring Event
Delve into the classic texts of our tradition, from Talmud to Torah commentary.